The King’s Singers are delighted to be joined by Dr Stephen Darlington, esteemed British choral director, conductor, Director of Music and Tutor in Music at Christ Church, University of Oxford, for the KS Summer School July 2015. Stephen will be spending an afternoon with the ensembles, discussing and working on extracts from the Eton Choirbook.
The Eton Choirbook is a vital and illuminating body of work within the British Choral Tradition. Read Stephen’s enlightening essay to learn more about this collection and how it came to be.
If you would like to hear music from the Eton Choirbook, three volumes, More Divine Than Human, Choirs of Angels and Courts of Heaven, have been recorded by the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, conduced by Dr Stephen Darlington himself, and are available to purchase from the choir’s website.
For more information on obtaining, preserving and protecting sources of medieval music, visit the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music.