The King’s Singer’s Summer School begins on Monday 22 July, taking place at Royal Holloway, University of London. There will be over 90 singers attending, ranging in age from 14 – 67 and coming from over twenty different countries. Throughout the week they will take part in full chorus rehearsals, chamber choir sessions, madrigal ensembles and jazz workshops, with a final gala event taking place on Thursday 25 July.
For those people attending as part of a pre-formed ensemble, The King’s Singers will with them to help develop their ensemble technique. All participants will be resident at Royal Holloway, University of London, for the duration of the course. Named as the top music department in the UK, and the only department to have been awarded the prestigious Regious Professorship by The Queen, Royal Holloway has exceptional facilities within their grounds. During the course, the group will be assisted by Rupert Gough, director of chapel music at Royal Holloway, and also Alexander L’Estrange, composer, arranger and workshop leader, who will give the partipants a chance to explore jazz performance styles through his innovative work “you can sing…but can you swing?”.